Mister x dressage horse you tube

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Schneider alternated the ride with her assistant, Hannah Milena Rother through 2021. In 2019 the stallion was moved into training with Dorothee Schneider in Germany, who made her show debut in the Intermediaire II at the regional show in Heroldsberg in June of that year.ĭorothee was on board to pilot the stallion at the 2019 Louisdor Cup Finals in Frankfurt, where they were 10th in the warm-up test but retired from the Grand Prix as the horse was unsettled in the piaffe. The pair had also shown at national events in Weikersdorf and Munich that year Dorothee Schneider The bay stallion was produced to FEI level in Hungary and made his international show debut under Csaba Szokola in the small tour at the 2018 CDI Ermelo, where they scored 67% in the Prix St.

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Gabor Komlosy's German company Castilia GmbH. He is bred and was owned by Hungarian Dr. Mister-C is by Quaterback out of Rosslyn C (by Raphael x Gambler x Landgard) Hungary Natalie Pai has acquired the 13-year old Oldenburg Grand Prix stallion Mister-C, who was previously competed by Csaba Szokola, Dorothee Schneider, and Daniel Bachmann.

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